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An Enhanced Business Incubator Comprising a Community of People Collaborating Starting or improving a business can be a big undertaking that requires many people with different skills and interests. Collaboratory is a business incubator that can start from the earliest stages of just your idea and assist in coordinating the resources and people to launch a viable venture.  Each collaborator type is represented on the wheel.  Click on a spoke of the wheel to start or see brief description below.
As an example, if you're an Innovator and have an idea for a business or service, great !!  Our Researchers can perform a Patent and Product Market Search, prepare your Patent Application, write your business plan, assign an Entrepreneur to launch your business using funding from our Investors and crowdfunding sites, services from our database of Service Providers and the work force from our employment system.  This concerted effort is coordinated as a Collaboratory where Innovators, Researchers, Investors, Entrepreneurs, Service Providers and Job Seekers all sign into the system to do their individual parts.

Many of our services are free, such as using our Resource Database to find Service Providers or other Resources. can also provide a smooth process for corporations to collaborate with colleges and universities using Purchase Orders or other joint ventures.

Our collaboratory is a flexible and fluid machine.  An Innovator or Inventor (or anyone) can become a Researcher by taking one of our certification courses (free to view) and passing an exam and background check.  A Researcher can become an Entrepreneur by launching a project.  Anyone can be an Investor either directly or through the crowdfunding campaign.

Description Of Each Collaborator Type On Each Spoke Of The Wheel

Inventor is an individual with an idea that is potentially patentable. Quite often an inventor is also an innovator.

Innovator is an individual with a concept for a new and better product or service. For our purposes, an individual interested in starting a traditional business is also an innovator.

Inventor/Innovator first protects their idea using copyrights.  Inventor/Innovator then submits their idea to to research for viability and business development.

Researcher/Business Plan Developer receives idea.  Idea is evaluated, researched, business plan developed including building team, company formation, preparation for raising resources and or a crowdfunding campaign and launch.

Entrepreneur is the person that takes a project company from the time of launch and runs the day to day and other functions of starting a business.  Entrepreneur is involved with pre-launch and planning, but could have been involved with the business plan development process as a Researcher or could be the Inventor or Innovator that utilized the Collaboratory to assist building their business.

Investor buys an ownership interest or loans money to a project company either directly or thru crowdfunding on

Job Seeker works for project company after launch.

Service Provider is hired by project team or existing Company/Corporation for work on a project such as a website designer or patent attorney.

Adviser works to assist a project team.

College/University and/or Company/Corporation can hire to coordinate a smooth Purchase Order process between the two which is often a very difficult process. 

Company/Corporation can hire to coordinate an Innovate-A-thon brainstorming session to be held in house by their own staff, or by College/University teams. 

Company/Corporation can hire for business Research & Development including situations where the Company/Corporation wants to insulate and keep their name off of early stage projects. 

Resource Database contains Service Provider listing and helpful articles & info.

More Resources to Come

 i2S Collaborative is working on creating a vast catalog of resources for innovators and entrepreneurs alike. These will include online seminars, workshops, webinars, articles, and other resources. 

Example: "How to Talk Business for Scientists and Engineers"; "Hosting an InnovateAthon"; "Online Interactive InnovateAthon" ... and more!

Want to Join Our Network and Bring Your Ideas to Success?

Schedule a free consultation with one of our advisers to learn more.

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